Wednesday, May 28, 2014

St. Anthony, please come round: something's lost and must be found!!

We stayed outside of Cacabellos last night in a beautiful "Casa Rural" called El Tiempo Recobrado - a time to recover - and we did need to do that!

We started the day leaving Molina Seca with Cacabelos as our goal, but first we had to traverse the large city of Ponferrada!  It was a difficult walk as the Camino goes right beside the main highway and it is all asphalt and murder on one's feet and legs! We did all right though till we got to the large city of Ponferrada - it took FOREVER to get through it.  Camino signs were sparse and often misleading.  So much so that we got lost - in trying to avoid a longer and hillier 3 mile route, we walked an extra 2 miles anyway.

Being lost is very disconcerting; Fr. Benjie was far ahead of us, so the rest of us struggled to find the best option of three routes so we could get underway again.  Here is where I learned that God never allows us to be lost - our good and gracious God walks with us,beside, in front, and behind us as the Breastplate of St. Patrick would have it.  Our God appears in many guises; yesterday it was in Jose Luis, an older gentleman, who got us to the main Plaza where we could sit, have some tea and regroup.  There before us was the Basilica de la Encina named after the image of the Virgin found by a Knight Templar in the trunk of an oak tree (Encino) while constructing the fort that would defend the city against the Saracens. Pictures are below.

As we meandered the city, I decided to be patient and let God find me/us!  We must have looked confused, because each time we stopped, people driving by woul honk their horns and motion us in the right direction or those on the street  would simultaneously point in the direction we should go.
Finally, we got on the road again but the way continued to be tough.  The day ended 15.75 miles later in rain and wind.  We spent the night in a beautiful place called , in English, a time to re-reate!  Lost but now found, we rested in the love of our gracious God.
The Templar Fort

It's Thursday morning now - wifi failed last night!
After a night of rest we headed for Vega de Velarce - 15.98 miles again on asphalt trails by the highway.  The saving  grace was that the Perege and then the Velarce rivers flowed along us on our left most of the way.  The last 3 or 4 miles for me were most difficult - it was cold; it was hot; it was rainy and windy; it was hot...  Stopping and changing in and out of rain gear and jacket and hat took just enough energy to make me discouraged!   Discouragement is another form of being lost so I sang a few Easter hymns to myself and thought of the crucified but now risen Christ and I asked to be found.  My eyes and my ears turned to the rushing river and I thought ..."As runs the thirsting deer to where cool waters flow, So run the wishes of my heart to come before you, Lord"!  And I was found! 

The river!
And a small church on the way offered respite!

Today we climb 1800 feet straight up for 8 KM - in the rain !
Siguen adelante!  Burn Camino!!
St. James, pray for us!!

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