Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Companions on The Way

It is amazing whom God puts in one's path on a daily basis, isn't it?

Last night on the shuttle to the hotel at 11:00 PM, I shared my ride with an elegant couple from Tampa who had had a tough travel day on their way to Seattle to see their daughter.  I started talking with them (surprise?) and learned that he is originally from Cuba.  He asked me where I was headed, and, when I told him, he wished me a "Bueno Camino" and shared his own experience on the pilgrimage, and he offered me much encouragement!

Getting to the airport EARLY (several hours), I was joined at the gate by a woman, Cheryl, who was on her way to Zurich to see her daughter and family.  When I told her what I was going to do, she shared her own Camino story.  She went at age 68 after retiring from 32 years of service with the VA as a therapist.  She spoke still so lovingly of the men and women she helped.  She talked about the rituals she and her 3 friends created as they walked - they were also therapists.

She spoke of the physical challenges of the early part of the journey, and the emotional ones of the last part of her 100 mile pilgrimage.  A beautiful woman in every sense of the word, she encouraged me to "let go", and lighten my load - on all levels.  Wishing me a Buen Camino, she left for her gate.

In today's reading from Acts we hear how Paul and his companions, after he was stoned and left for dead, moved on to Lystra where they "They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in the faith, saying,  “It is necessary for us to undergo many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.” My spirits have been uplifted and strengthened!  It's all good!!

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