Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In Pilgrim Mode - Contemplating the Camino de Santiago de Campostela

And I begin....

Hard to believe that I am leaving in one week to walk "The Way of St. James"!  The journey of a life-time, long dreamt about!

Traveling with youth for WYD from the Archdiocese of San Antonio, my constant mantra for them was, "I am a pilgrim, not a tourist".  Tourists come to see, pilgrims come to be. Tourists relax, pilgrims are reformed – or ask to become more conformed to God. 

If you are not familiar with the Camino, this is a beautiful and unique look at the journey!

As Archdiocesan WYD pilgrims, this is the prayer, we prayed OFTEN from Denver to Paris to Rome to Toronto to Cologne.... 

If I should get tired and inclined to become short-tempered, Lord,
may I remember that I am a pilgrim,  not a tourist!
If my meal may not be to my particular liking, Lord,  may I remember that I am a pilgrim,  not a tourist!
If any delays occur and I should become anxious, Lord, may I remember that I am a pilgrim,  not a tourist!
If any other pilgrim is making noise so that I cannot sleep or hear, Lord, may I remember that I am a pilgrim,  not a tourist!
Lord, may I remember that I am a pilgrim, not a tourist,
when I ask that person to be a bit more quiet.
If someone takes a better place or a more choice seat, Lord, may I remember that I am a pilgrim,  not a tourist!
If I find myself last in line waiting, Lord, may I remember that I am a pilgrim,  not a tourist!
If I should get the chance to help another person who always seems to be annoying me,
Lord, may I remember that I am a pilgrim,  not a tourist!
But, Lord, especially let me remember that what I find objectionable in another
is really what you oftentimes find objectionable in me, 
and let me remember this and forgive the other,
as you are continually forgiving me!

Baptism and RCIA interviews this morning remind me that I have commitments here before I can enter into Pilgrim Mode completely.  But we are all the Pilgrim People of God, as St. John XXIII helped us realize, and our pilgrimage here on earth is a journey of faith, communion, and justice.  Buen Camino, everyone!


Unknown said...

I look forward to following your journey!

Unknown said...

Beautiful prayer, Leota. I will be following your journey, praying for you and your fellow pilgrims as you go. Blessings to you! -- Ginnie

Unknown said...

Loved the prayer you posted. Please know I will be following you as you journey and you will be in my prayers. God bless you, Leota!