Thursday, May 22, 2014

Buen Camino!

"Buen Camino". - how often did I hear that today!  From fellow pilgrims, from folks in the towns we passed through, from the restaurant folks, from guys  in suits and transients needing to travel for other reasons.  Buen Camino - a recognition that we are all on this journey together as the pilgrim people of God.  No journey is without pain, whether that journey is physical, emotional , or spiritual.  It is part of the human condition - the power of now and the power of presence (a nod toward Tolle and Hershey) is really the power to be mindful, to be attentive. "Now is the acceptable time", Paul tells us, because in the now we find God.

I am exhausted - no blisters but I "feel" my feet constantly.  Fr. Benjie gave me some ointment for my muscles - my hips and calves are screaming!  Such a comfort!  Tomorrow is our last day in the flat lands - from here on till the end it is up, up, up!! I had a time traversing the small hills today - I anticipate great difficulties!!

We stared in Mancillas de Mulas today and arrived in Leon 12.71 miles later.  Tomorrow about 25 KM and we end in San Martin.  We pass through the village of Virgen del Camino  - Our Lady of the Camino.  I will need her help and beg her intercession.  Coming to mind is a hymn I haven't heard in a long time:

Ven, con nosotros  al caminar,
Santa Maria, ven!

Come with us as we journey,
Come with us, Holy Mary!

Pat and I had been talking about our mothers, when we saw this one yellow rose and said, simultaneously, "My mom loved yellow roses!"  Today was the anniversary of his mom's death.


Unknown said...

I'm beginning my travels with you! However, I don't feel my feet like you, and I don't have to put on ointment. So - I'd better start preparing now by going to Eisenhower park to hike - even McAllister park. I'd better start doing as much hiking as possible. Have a good rest, some good food and beverage, and Buen Camino tomorrow.

Unknown said...

I am walking the way with you (as long as you blog). I do not have sore legs or feet, nor do I have to apply ointment, so I feel for you. Hope you got some good food, good rest, good drink. Buen Camino tomorrow. Oh, yes, what Camino guide are you reading?